FPL Manatee Plant Tour

When:  Apr 4, 2024 from 03:00 PM to 06:00 PM (ET)

Associated with  Tampa Bay Section ISA

FPL Manatee Plant Tour

Contact: Ed Holden

[email protected]

On April 4, 2024 the ISA Tampa Section and Florida Power and Light will host an on site meeting followed by a  power generating plant tour. Starting around 3pm we will gather to hear an overview of Tampa section activities and goals, FPL automation systems and plans, energy generation facility capabilities wrapped up with a plant tour. 

Anyone who is interested in engineering, automaton or power generation and delivery will enjoy this event at the Manatee site 19050 State Rd 62, Parrish, FL 34219

The topics could range from STEM interests, engineering or general interest in old and leading edge power generation. Students are encouraged to attend. Please mark your calendars and register for this event so we can plan the program

Email Ed Holden if you have some topics or questions you would like to know more about. The hosts are extremely interested in  hearing what you would like to see.